Thursday 18 April 2013

Tribute to the Iron Lady

This latest post pays tribute to a very special person, who was very instrumental in shaping the world we now live in, a woman who embodies strength and resolve, who focused on principles rather than popularity and ended up paying the ultimate political price for her resilience and defiance, I speak of none other than former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, The Baroness Thatcher  who passed away peacefully last week.
Lady Thatcher was not called Iron Lady for nothing  and to this day remains a very controversial figure, one who changed Britain and the world forever, she was a stanch opponent of anything that even resembled  Marxism and stood should to shoulder with many other political leaders of her time as was demonstrated by her special friendship with then U.S. President Ronald Reagan, as well as close alliances formed with other anti-communist leaders of the 1980s including our very own Prime Minister Edward Seaga.
The Baroness did much to improve her country’s economy which was in quite a state after years of mismanagement by the Labour Party (British Labour that is, not the JLP), unlike populist leaders who promised  redistribution of wealth, Thatcher did something more concrete instead of encouraging  her people to depend on the state to be their surrogate parent  and provide them with welfare, she instead encouraged business, capital growth investment and innovation. She encouraged efficiency in government by the transfering  of loss making entities into private hands. She was a genius who ran the state like a business, she understood that the only way to develop and grow an economy is through capital growth, not by taking the wealth of one class of people and giving it to another, she  had the foresight to know that wealth redistribution is not the way out of poverty but rather creation of new wealth. Surprising as it may seem I also admire the way she dealt the the Trade Union system in Britain who were at the backbone of the economic downfall of Britain promoting their own secret agenda to reduce productivity with their constant support of strikes and other forms of industrial actions most of which were taken for all forms of ridiculous reasons, I personally have no problem with Trade Union in itself but when such bodies abuse their power in order slow down productivity and damage a country’s production sector they must be brought to heel and this is exactly what the Right Honourable Lady did.
                               File:Coat of Arms of Margaret Thatcher, The Baroness Thatcher (1995–2013).svg
I also supported her foreign policy stance (at least most of the time), she was instrumental in leading the fight against international communism along with Regan, she also brought in the Trident missile system to bolster her country's defences against nuclear weapons. Without a doubt however her greatest victory came in 1983 when she ordered Her Majesty’s Armed Forces to crush the Argentine invaders and retake the  Falkland islands thus restoring a surge of new hope in an era of great depression. Regardless of these great achievements , I must say that she also made a few mistakes along the way the biggest one was the support of the Apartheid Regime even while it was clear that both the Commonwealth and the rest  of the international community had seen enough and wanted Apartheid gone,  perhaps she could have handled the situation in a more tactful manner instead of finding herself on the opposite side of international public opinion.


But  in her defence the Iron Lady was not one for falling in line, that is why most conservatives (myself included) admire her so much while she is utterly despised by the left, even after her death the left are still insisting of tarnishing her name and making her out be the villain when this is not the case, it was quite horrifying to see and hear to Left wingers organizing parties to celebrate her death, how disgraceful, she was  knifed in the back by her own fellow Tories in life and now people are celebrating her demise? Some people just don’t appreciate greatness when they see it, this is the typical attitude of the mob. What is ironic about these “celebrations” is that most of the party-goers are young people, who were either too young to remember or not even born when Lady Thatcher was in Downing Street, yet they celebrate her death because she did not conform to thier ideologies. It’s amazing how ungrateful people can be, what a shame!!,  but this only goes to show the attitude of liberals, socialist, communist and others of the left, no dignity, no class, not even so much as sympathy for the family. I know  that no tears were shed by right-wingers  when Hugo Chavez died a few months ago, but none of us took to street in celebration  either.
Margaret Thatcher embodies the type of political leader that the Jamaican Tory can respect, a true patriot to both Queen and Country, one who employs the use of conservative principles in all aspects, a devoted monarchist although there was a false rumour going around that Thatcher and the Queen were at odds this is utterly false, they may not have always have seen all  things in the same light e.g. The Apartheid Issue, but to say they were enemies is going a bit too far as the Queen could not have found a prime minister that was more loyal to her than Thatcher (except perhaps Churchill) , the British People and the World were very lucky to have some as dedicated and uncompromising as the Iron Lady.

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