Tuesday 2 April 2013

The Lie Called "Marriage Equality'

I wish to speak about a new phenomenon that I have been observing for quite some time now, it’s all over the news these days, not to mention amount of Facebook post I've seen concerning both sides of the debate and it all has to do with the idea of marriage equality and whether or not persons should be allowed to legally wed persons of their own gender. This new agenda has been no doubt pushed by every liberal and Marxist political leader, media houses and lobby groups all seeking to propagate the notion that such a lifestyle should be accepted as normal to the point where it’s even taught in schools in some countries (though thankfully not here in Jamaica) as an alternative to the traditional family unit.
Being a true Jamaican and a genuine Tory (traditional Tory that is, not the David Cameron version), I feel no shame in categorically stating that I oppose any change to the traditional defintion of marriage and I believe  that such ideology is abominable and violate all the laws of nature as well as centuries of long standing human practice. There was a time when marriage equality meant that the Husband (1 man) and the wife (1 woman) were equal partners in a marriage relationship, but the liberals and the pro-gay community have taken the meaning of marriage equality and twisted it to suit their own depraved way of thinking, I’m not surprised that they would do this since they have distorted the meaning of marriage itself and are publicizing the notion that others should do the same, they disgust me.
Unfortunately whether we like it or not (and I certainly do not) these people and their ideas are intent on sticking around and are not going anywhere, we see it all around us in forms of media both print and electronic, political leaders in many countries are now falling in line with this agenda including our very own Prime Minister Portia Simpson Miller who is lauded by the LGBT community both locally and overseas for her stance, thank God for  sensible leaders like Vladimir Putin and  Bruce Golding etc. who are not afraid to stand up to the bullies in the LGBT community and tell them to bugger off.

The real question though is why do these people want to get married anyway? Up to half a century ago they wouldn't even dare show their face in public, but now all of them are “coming out of the closet” and are asking for all kinds of rights, marriage, adoption rights and recognition rights and what not, they sicken me.  Originally the whole point of marriage in the first place was the create a stable framework in which to raise a family, since LGBT people cannot have children then what’s the point of marriage for them, isn't it  already bad enough that they are allowed to have civil unions? I find it hypocritical that the same gay rights people who are often critical of religious leaders who oppose their immoral lifestyle are now wanting to force these same religious leaders to marry them off, and if they refuse then these clergymen are targeted for not falling in line with the gay agenda, whatever happened to freedom of speech or freedom of conscience?  When we live in a world where it’s a normal thing to openly promote homosexuality and profanity in the media but where Christians can’t even so much as kneel down to pray in a public building for fear of prosecution then it’s a sure sign that the world has gone mad.
Thankfully in my country the Liberal agenda is not as strong as it is in other countries in North America and Western Europe, the LGBT Lobby groups and their so called “human rights” co-conspirators are gaining ground but for now conservative ideologies still reign, although it’s being slowly but surely eroded (one only needs to take a look at some of the columns in the Daily Gleaner or Daily Observer to see what I’m talking about)  who could forget the  now famous words uttered by former Prime Minister Bruce Golding “Not in my cabinet” indicating his abhorrence to the idea of legalizing LGBT rights in Jamaica, If he had been the P.M. of some other country when he made that bold statement, he probably would have crucified  before the interview was over, unfortunately the current  PM well known for her liberal and Marxist views seem to taking an opposite trajectory, it’s a good thing that  Portia Simpson  Miller is no Barack Obama or David Cameron, should she ever dare to propose the idea of marriage equality or any other rights for this abnormal sect of people she would face a massive riot in the country even from members of her very own cabinet, she would never get away with it, such notions would surely be swept away by the turning wheels of the counterrevolution that would erupt.

I did not get to focus much on the religious aspects of the debate in this post (I’ll do that another time), as this post was more inclined toward the political and social side but I will say this,  marriage equality is an idea that comes straight from hell, there is nothing anyone can say to convince me that same sex marriage is normal, in fact it is  one of the most repulsive things I could ever think of, it’s high time that people wake up and realize that the West is being overtaken by cultural Marxism, time to reject the liberal agenda and force these people back into the closet from whence they came, the future of our civilization depends on it. 

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