The nation was in uproar last week as Finance Minister
Dr. Peter Philips made an announcement that would most certainly not have been
treated as welcome news by a long shot, effective June 1 all withdrawals from
financial institutions will now attract taxes particularly transactions at the
ATM, according to the minister this new measure was concocted by the government
in order plug what they describe as a gap in the budget and is expected to rake
in JMD $6.7 million.

Naturally as one would expect there was a major public
outcry at this new tax imposition from all sectors of society given the harsh
economic climate and extended depression currently facing the country, everyone
from the parliamentary opposition to the private sector and civil society and
even the churches have all come out swinging at this most unjust imposition and
rightly so. People
everywhere are calling on the government to reconsider its position before it’s
too late and given the already negative perception about the government being
thieves and their ineptitude in managing resources, it is truly saddening that
this government would take such action at a time when unemployment is at an
all-time high even and especially among tertiary graduates while economic
prosperity is low as is morale. This administration came to power promising
improvements in the economy but all they really did is make things worse.
People are already suffering enough as it is without this newest measure that
only serves to add insult to injury.

As many persons have already rightly acknowledged scheme is little more than robbery on the government’s part, persons have placed their money in banks for
safekeeping bearing in mind that the bank itself also has it’s own bank charges
which in itself as already a sticking point for many and now the government
seeks to drive a nail in the coffin of the Jamaican economy because now many
people and particularly businesses will try as best as possible to refrain from
or limit their dealings with the banks and what’s worst those who can afford to
will even place their money in overseas banks and that will most certainly not
be good for the local banking sector.During the economic recession of the last decade, banks
in many country collapsed, went under and had to eventually be bailed out by
their governments. No such thing happened in Jamaica because the then JLP
administration put in place mechanisms to ensure that our banks stayed afloat.
But then came the general elections of 2011 and the ushering of the PNP into
power, since that time our economy worsened more than ever before, our dollar
skyrocketed as did unemployment and now comes the government who seem relentlessly intent on destroying our banking system and the livelihood of the local populace with it.

What about “giving to Caesar his due?” an ignorant few
may ask, ”doesn't the government need taxes to run the country” , anybody who
is thinking clearly will know that what a person places in his or her bank account is actually their
disposable income, what they have left over after the government has already
taken their due which includes P.A.Y.E., NHT, Education Tax and the like, that is where the new taxes is coming
from, so in essence this is basically like a man going for a second helping of
dinner when he has already has his meal, can you see how unjust this truly is?

This government is once again displaying that it truly
does not have a clue as to how to manage the nation’s economy, I have said it
before and will repeat, fiscal prudence and conservatism is the only way out if
Jamaica’s economy is to improve, this new tax measure is neither conservative
nor prudent. There is discontent everywhere
with many of those who voted to put this administration into office now
regretting their choice, there is not much more that people can take and already
there are talks of strikes, protests and some have even suggested a revolution
to overthrow these circus clowns who are really a sorry excuse for a
government, this will not end well if things continue on this path, but all is
not lost, seeing as the date announced
for the collection of this latest tax has not yet arrived, the budget debate is
not yet over, there is still time to repeal this draconian measure. This
government claim to rule based on people power and the “will of the people”,
therefore it would be wise for them to listen to the people now and withdraw
the tax before it is too late